pühapäev, 4. jaanuar 2015

Üht ja teist/Various matters

Eile ja üleeile oli meil tugev torm, tänagi puhub tuul. Mis tähendab, et väljas pildistada on paha. Sees aga pole head tausta ega valgust. Lisaks sellele on sviiter must, mis raskendab veelgi. Nii et pildid tulevad hiljem. Aga nüüd pikkus on paras. Lõnga venivuse üle sai sõpradega parasjagu arutatud. Eriti salakaval on meriino ja muud pehmed lõngad (oleneb kindlasti tootjast), linane võib samuti pikkusesse venida, kuigi mitte nii dramaatiliselt, nagu kirjeldatud eelmises postituses.
Yestereday and the day before yesterday we had a strong storm and it is still windy today. Which means that it is tedious to take pictures outside but also indoors I have no proper background nor light. Besides the sweater is black, which does not make things easier. So the pictures will wait. But the length is suitable now. We have discussed stretchiness with my friends quite a lot. Merino and other soft yarns are especially known for the tendency to stretch (of course, it depends on the manufacturer, too), also linen may stretch in the length, albeit not as dramatically as described in the previous post.

Koon nüüd sellisest lõngast (Megeva, ostetud Wool and Wollen poest). Esialgu plaanisin midagi muud, kuid buklee pind on suhteliselt paks, seetõttu tuleb teha võimalikult lihtne kudum.
Now I am knitting this yarn (Megeva, purchased at Wool and Wollen store). At first I had a different plan but the bouclé fabric is rather thick and for that reason it would be wise to make a simple knit.
Ülemised pildid annavad ettekujutuse värvist ja viimane pilt koepinnast.
The top pictures render the colour and the bottom one the quality of the fabric.

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