teisipäev, 6. mai 2014

Suur ja paks/Big and thick

Mõne kudumiga on kohe kõik algusest peale selge, õnnestub esimese korraga. Mõnega on aga väga palju kahtlusi, ümbermõtlemisi, harutamisi jms. Proovilapp tundub ilus, aga kui on kootud piisavalt palju, märkad, et ei ole hea. Antud juhul jätab kudum liiga suure ja raskepärase mulje. Lõng on jäme, koepind liiga tihke minu maitse järgi.
Some knits are easy from the very beginning and you get it right at the first attepmpt. Yet some raise a lot of doubts, you change your mind, rip etc. A swatch looks nice but once you've knitted sufficiently, you notice it is not nice after all. In this case the knit gives too large and heavy impression. The yarn is thick and the fabric appears too dense in my taste.
Pildil pole seda näha, aga selga proovides tundub, et midagi on valesti (tean juba, mis nimelt). Läheb harutamisele. Peaks mõtlema teistsuguse mustri peale.
It is not clear from the picture but once I try it on, it seems that something is wrong (I already know what exactly). I will rip it. Probably, a different stitch pattern has to be considered.

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